Remarkable Trees

I often head outside to write and relax under the welcoming arms of this tree on the grounds of my apartment building.



Don’t let this picture fool you. The lowest branch is at least ten feet off the ground. (I gauged the distance based on my height—about five four and a half inches—and the fact that I was only halfway to the branch.) So a ladder is a necessary tool if you want to climb this tree.

I don’t know what kind of tree this is. If you are a tree aficionado, can you tell, based on the leaves in the photo below, what kind it is? (Yes, I know the photo is not the greatest.) Some kind of locust tree maybe? I’m far more used to maple trees. We had those outside of our house when I was growing up.


With the temperature at 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), and the wind on the chilly side, I was not inclined to sit outside. (It rained anyway.) But I wanted to snap a few photos of this friendly tree.


This is my good side.

Lately, I’ve been in need of a soul expansion. Ever have a season when you experienced too many battles and too few victories? Like the Grinch who stole Christmas (look here if you’re not sure who the Grinch is or look below), lately my heart has felt two sizes too small. But one quick way for me to regain good cheer involves placing myself near trees and other beautiful plants.


I’m not a gardener, but I appreciate the efforts of others to beautify the grounds. I love the fact that I can look out of my window and see lilacs, vivid green grass, and trees.


Tulips and lilacs at the front door

One look at a tree or flowers causes my blood pressure to drop and my hands to unclench. I love seeing birds flitting in and out of the tree the photo of which appears above. Robins are frequent visitors, though I’ve heard a sparrow or two in the vicinity each morning. I’ve also seen a blackbird perched on a high branch, singing a spring song.

As I type this post, suddenly I’m reminded of a book on my Amazon Wish List:


Click here for more on this book. I’ll pick up a copy of my own at some point. I first learned of it at the library, where I borrowed a copy. I’m fascinated by books that discuss trees, especially ancient or huge trees like the cedars of Lebanon or redwoods. They remind me of how big the world is and how small I am.


Cedars of Lebanon

Since the remarkable tree book came to mind, I thought about trees I find remarkable and would love to see in person someday. I’m not alone in my assessment. These trees appear on many lists of remarkable or beautiful trees.




Japanese Maple




California Redwood

Just looking at those trees makes me feel better. And this great post at Nancy Hatch’s blog, Spirit Lights The Way, has the same effect:

Which tree not currently listed which you add to the remarkable trees list? Why?

Book cover from Goodreads. Jacaranda from Japanese maple from Banyan tree from Redwood tree from Lebanon cedars from Grinch’s heart from

39 thoughts on “Remarkable Trees

    • Yes! I envy trees their photogenic nature. I’ve rarely seen a bad photo of a tree. Well, except the ones I take. 😦

  1. I love trees. There is nothing more inspiring to me, spiritually or creatively, than to be outdoors. Trees, birds, sky, twilight, seasons..It must be the Celt in me.

    • Must be, Andy. 🙂 I’ve enjoyed some of the posts you’ve written about your walks.
      One of the saddest things that happened about nine years ago was a tornado that hit in this area. So many old trees were ripped out of the ground or were so severely damaged they had to be cut down. 😦

      • Over here our devastation is more subtle. Our Ash trees are under threat from the Ash Dieback fungal disease. I don’t think it can be halted. Much in the same way as Dutch Elm Disease from a few years back. It will decimate the woods and countryside that I love. The damage is subtle and insidious.

  2. In the front yard of my old house in Albany was a giant silver maple. That tree is probably what I’m most going to miss about the house, especially at this time of year when the new leaves pop out.

    • Oh man! If only we could take our trees wherever we go. They take so long to grow and become such a part of our lives! And they bring such beauty to the world. 🙂

    • I thought of you, Sharon. I knew you loved trees. 😀
      I have a banyan in my current story. That comes later. 😀

  3. I wish I could help you identify your tree. Does it bear fruit in the fall? Turn color? Whatever, what it does do is give your solace, and that is a remarkable gift.
    I love trees as well. My favorite is the copper beech.

    • I love a copper beech tree as well, Penny. I wish we had one here.
      It doesn’t bear fruit, but it loses its leaves in the fall. It was quite bald this winter. It’s nice to see the leaves.

  4. Hanging out with trees does wonders for my blood pressure, too. So does walking beside the ocean. And trees beside the ocean? Well. 🙂

    • I love walking on the beach!!! Love hunting for seashells! I also love looking at seals. There’s a great beach in La Jolla, California where seals gather. Love it!!!

  5. I love the photo of all of the trees, L. Marie. I’m especially fond of the Banyan tree. There’s a massive Banyan at the Thomas Edison Museum in Fort Myers, Florida. Maybe Nancy can hook us up with a tour. 🙂 I love her posts too!

    • Yes! I’ll be the tour guide!

      There’s another phenomenal Banyan tree at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota. And a few fine specimens at Ca D’Zan at the Ringling Museum.

      • Ohhhh. I’d love to see it! There are so many trees that I need to visit. I added a banyan tree to my story, because I find that tree fascinating.

        You should have a job with tourism. The tourism board should send people to your blog.

      • Banyans are favorites of ours too. I’ve had a local restaurant and a local beach ask to link up to articles on SLTW. That’s always a fun surprise.

    • That would be awesome to see, Jill. In fact I need to see a banyan tree for my story. Someone needs to give me some research money!!!

    • I do too, Professor. It would look lovely in the yard. But I’ll bet the leaves are murder to rake in the fall!

  6. I agree, L. Marie, just being outside among flowers and trees is so therapeutic. I live in a neighborhood where we all seem to have flowering trees and love my walks this time of the year.

  7. Beautiful trees, Linda. One of the things I love about the photos you posted is how the negative space comes into its own around the branches. It’s a neat way of seeing things that I learned more about from the drawing book I’ve been reading.

    My favorite trees are those huge Sequoias. They really put little, minuscule us in perspective. I can’t wait to take Angus to them and see his reaction.

    Happy Weekend to you!

    • Sequoias are awesome.
      I wish I could say that I carefully planned my photos. I’m usually not very good at taking pictures. I’m too impatient. I point and immediately shoot.
      I’m glad you’re drawing. I’ve only been working on maps and room designs. But they help me to write the story.
      Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Isn’t the jacaranda beautiful? There are lots in Portugal. I know very little about alpha males, Linda, so I skipped to this one 🙂

    • I’d love to visit Portugal!
      Ha! I don’t blame you for skipping! 🙂 I wish I traveled to interesting places like you do!

  9. Banyan trees are by far my favourite trees. When we first moved to Hong Kong I spent ages reading up on them, they’re fascinating. And they can really grow on anything! The Japanese maple is gorgeous, I’d love to see that one day, and although it’s nothing spectacular on its own, the cherry tree deserves a mention, for the cherry blossoms in spring 🙂

    • Wow. That’s so cool about the banyan tree! And you’re right. The cherry tree is very beautiful. I started to add it to the list, but forgot to do so and just posted. Glad you brought it up.

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