Look Up

While out walking the other day, I discovered hundreds of holes in the ground where the cicadas emerged. Not the most pleasant of sights, in my opinion of course, though fascinating in a way.

I didn’t take a photo of them, however. Frankly, the holes creeped me out. Instead, I looked at photos I’d taken of clouds. Some had been taken out of the car window on the fly.



In the past I’ve had a tendency to stare fixedly at problems and other hard matters. That’s the heritage of depression. I’ve had many bouts with it and took medication for it.

So, I needed the cloud reminder to look up. Please don’t take this as a Pollyanna outlook as if looking away makes problems go away. But looking up is as much of a directional choice as looking down.

To me this looks like a hand.

Photos by L. Marie.

20 thoughts on “Look Up

    • 😄😄😄 I use my ceiling fan a lot! We have had high temps here!
      As someone who has lived with cicadas for a while, I can say that cicadas en masse are messy. I have to sweep carcasses off my balcony. My sister-in-law showed videos of thousands of them crawling by a revolving door. They fly at you, land on you and have to be brushed off. Unfortunately, I have run over many of them, because they choose to congregate in my parking space. Since they blend in with the pavement, I don’t see them until I step out of the car. 😞

  1. Those holes in the ground are otherworldly, aren’t they? A whole hidden community of living things emerging above ground into our realm of view. From their point of view – who knows what type of environment they’d encounter.
    Keep looking up, L.Marie.

  2. Better to look at clouds than at cicada holes. It’s all a matter of choice and you have made the better one.

    As I kid, I enjoyed looking at cloud formations in the sky and imagined various animals. Yes, your last image looks like a hand. 😀

    • Marian, I did the same when I was a kid. Now I’ve returned to looking at cloud formations. 😄😊 Clouds are so fascinating! Much more so than cicada holes!

  3. Good idea, although I’m curious to see what the holes in the ground look like.

    My computer is only a foot away from three windows, so I look up often at the sky and the many beautiful and varied trees I can see from there. This morning the sky is clear blue, a light breeze is blowing, and the leaves are soft or shiny in the sunshine.

  4. Turning away from problems may not make them go away . . . but it allows us to return to them later with a fresh and refueled perspective.

    It’s clouds illusions I recall . . .

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