Happy Thanksgiving 2019!

Is it me or has this year flown by? Here we are at Thanksgiving! And I mean Thanksgiving, not Black Friday or any of those “holidays” touted in the media lately.

Here in the U.S., many people (especially me) plan to overdose on turkey and all of the trimmings. But not every Thanksgiving meal includes turkey. One Thanksgiving, my family had different types of pasta, having all agreed that we didn’t want turkey. Another Thanksgiving meal featured some really great beef ribs.

Anyway, have a wonderful Thanksgiving! What is your favorite Thanksgiving menu item? Do tell in the comments below. I have several favorites: turkey (despite not wanting it one Thanksgiving), cranberry sauce, cornbread dressing, and sweet potato pie.

Happy Thanksgiving from Henry, Lazy Buns, and the Squeezamal. I plan to be a lazy buns and skip Black Friday shopping.

Turkey from wallyball.homestead. Other photo by L. Marie. Squeezamals are a product of Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Company. Lazy Buns is a Pop Hair Pet, a product of MGA Entertainment.

44 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2019!

  1. Thanksgiving is not celebrated in France. There are no historical roots.
    But recently we see Black Friday appear in stores to stimulate trade!
    I wish you a happy Thanksdiving, Linda.
    Love ❤

    • When we had our Parisian exchange student one year during Thanksgiving Holidays…it was soooo fun to introduce her to our Family/celebration time. Thought you’d be interested in knowing…happy November 28th even if it’s a regular day for you!

  2. I love mashed potatoes! 🙂 Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving, L. Marie. I have so many things to be thankful for and you are one of those. Thank you for your friendship. xo

  3. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Linda, and enjoy being a lazy buns on Black Friday (who needs that stress anyway??)! It’s been years since I’ve had a turkey for Thanksgiving, mainly because we spent the holiday by ourselves now and I have never baked a turkey in my life. This year Greg is going to cook steaks and I bought a pumpkin pie. I used to bake pumpkin pie and I miss that … such a great smell in the kitchen!!

    • Thank you! 😄 Oooo, yum! Love a good steak! Enjoy, Marie!
      I’ve never baked a turkey by myself. I helped Mom with the turkey when I was a kid.

      • While I like turkey, when I was a kid, no matter how many people came for Thanksgiving, we’d still have enough turkey left over for a few days of hot or cold turkey sandwiches. I guess that’s why I don’t get too excited about the bird 😉

      • I know what you mean. We always had a ton of leftovers, even with relatives hanging out at the house.
        My in-laws usually make enough food for everyone to take home leftovers. 😀

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, L. Marie!

    My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the stuffing, fragrant with sage, thyme, onions, and celery. I would cheerfully choose it over potatoes any time, as it’s a once (sometimes twice, if we do turkey at Christmas, which we haven’t for years) a year treat.

    I am now the baker of the turkey, although we do it at Mom’s. At 91, it’s too much for her, but she doesn’t travel well, either, so we take the meal to her–and she provides the delicious rolls that are my second-favorite thing about Thanksgiving.

    • Mmmmmm! My mouth is watering just hearing that menu, Katherine. Wishing you a joyous Thanksgiving. So glad you’ll get to be with your mom. You just reminded me of another favorite–rolls! 😄

  5. I’m not a fan of turkey, but always take a small slice for tradition. Being Italian, we always had a side dish of pasta and sometimes fried pork tenderloin. That doesn’t happen anymore, because we go to my brother’s, whose wife is not Italian, but her Thanksgiving meal is usually delicious. I’m a big fan of sweet potato pie, but I miss the pasta. She wouldn’t appreciate me bringing that along, so I bring the goodies instead.

    I just finished making my Italian pizzelles (cookies that taste life waffles cones). I put a twist on them and made them pumpkin flavor this year. As soon as I’m done with this comment, I’m going to go finish up making my tradition of pumpkin cookies by adding the icing. I have the recipe for these on the recipes page of my blog.

    Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings to you, my friend.

    • Lori: I love the idea of making the pizzelli with pumpkin pie spice…I personally prefer the almond pizzelli (reflection of the Calabrese part of me – I also prefer the anise/fennel in my sausage, just sayin’..)

      • Hi Laura. Many Italian pastries have no chocolate, and I’m a huge chocolate fan. I’ll eat pizzelles, but the added pumpkin spice and also a 1/2 cup of pumpkin gives it some oomph. I’ve tried making chocolate pizzelles, but they came out bland. Do you like biscotti? I have a yummy recipe on my blog. I put anise seed in those.


        BTW, I realized after I posted my comment that the “pumpkin cookies” sound like I’m still talking about the pizzelles. I actually made a separate pumpkin cookie recipe in addition to the pizzelles. Here they are on my blog.

        Pumpkin Pie Alternative

        Have a nice Thanksgiving.

  6. I love sweet potato casserole with brown sugar crumble and melted marshmallow on top. My favorite pie is pecan – my mom’s recipe is the best! Trying something new this year for dessert though – homemade German chocolate cake.

  7. Never had sweet potatoe pie till we lived on the compound (where Goat Suite Saga was born/experienced) when Deb’s bro came for Thanksgiving one year…yummmmmmm!
    I think kiddos would say the mash is best, but for me, I learned to enjoy real baked sweet potatoes from hubby’s family. Our family had the obligatory spoonful of canned yams alongside the pasta, turkey, focaccia etc….ick.
    Hugs to you and “mangia”!

  8. We skip the turkey and enjoy ALL the sides ~ mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, roasted broccoli and carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, black olives . . . and PIE!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving, L. Marie. I always liked the jelled cranberry salad with walnuts, pineapple, chopped oranges, cranberries, etc. my mom used to make. I’ve made it a few times, but my sister always complains. I guess she thinks it’s old fashioned. Also I always liked by grandma’s pecan pie. It’s not a crowd favorite in our family, though. Oh, well. We always have lots of other good food. This year I’m bringing roasted brussel sprouts with a grape sauce and a mixed berry dish with a berry sauce for dessert.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, L. Marie! We don’t do it here of course, but my mouth is watering at the thought of a full turkey and all the trimmings dinner – I’ll have to wait another month for it though. What do you guys eat for Christmas dinner traditionally?

    • Thank you, FF!

      Many people eat the same meal at Christmas. 😀 That’s why one year, we didn’t have turkey at Thanksgiving. Some Christmases, however, we’ll go with chicken and beef, rather than turkey.

  11. I’ve had a few Thanksgiving celebrations, in the US and worldwide, despite only recently becoming an American. My husband, who is American by birth, always loved stuffing most and I am following suit in that. As long as it’s made from scratch! But my favorite part is the atmosphere when celebrating this holiday with friends or family. No shopping for us. Especially not on Black Friday.

    • Sounds lovely!
      I can’t blame you for avoiding the stores on Black Friday. I had to get groceries, so I was forced to enter at least one store. Two women were complaining about their awful experience shopping at a home goods store. 😫 Nothing is worth that!

  12. Belatedly, Happy Thanksgiving, or at least I hope it was so. I love Thanksgiving! Eat and be thankful 🙂 – and then, clean it all up. The part I do not enjoy, for I am the messiest of cooks. I love turkey and stuffing and all, but, my favorite is my roasted sweet potatoes, tossed in butter and herbs and roasted until the edges are carmelized.

    • Creative cooks are often messy, Penny. 😀 There is an art to cooking well. I don’t know any artists who are neat as they work.

      Love sweet potatoes! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I certainly did! We had sweet potato casserole. Yum!

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