The Perfect Bathroom Reading

toiletI don’t know about you, but I like to have a selection of reading materials in the bathroom. That’s probably more information than you wanted to know about me, but I’m telling you anyway. I keep a stack of Entertainment Weekly and Game Informer magazines there. (Probably time to weed out some of those.) But my latest discovery is a Star Trek: The Next Generation graphic novel. Its episodic format makes it the perfect bathroom reading. I couldn’t be happier.

Now with a post like this, I run the risk of someone taking my words out of context and mistakenly believing that I equate the content with the . . . er . . . occupation. Nope. What I am saying is a certain kind of reading is relaxing enough to warrant a spot in my bathroom. I think of it as comfort reading. Like comfort food. You just crave it.

So, what doesn’t make good bathroom reading, at least for me? Ignore what you see in the picture above. Longer, print novels or nonfiction books don’t work for me. I get too caught up in the story . . . or not sometimes.

If you’ve read this blog before, by now you might be thinking this is an analogy about writing. I’ll finally get to the meat of the post right about now. We should strive for the literary equivalent of comfort food—right??? Write what’s comfortable or comforting? That’s what I really mean, right?

I would never presume to tell you what to do. (Though, you should floss regularly.) I’m just saying this isn’t an elaborate analogy. This is just a post about the perfect bathroom reading. Now, isn’t this time well spent?

Gotta go. Thankfully, I have an Entertainment Weekly waiting. . . .

What constitutes the perfect bathroom reading for you?
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Toilet photo from