One Post to Thank Them All

I have a lot to cover in this long-overdue post. First, a huge thank you to all who follow this blog. Awhile ago, I found the following little icon and note in my WordPress archive.


Congratulations on getting 100 total follows on El Space—The Blog of L. Marie.

I grinned from ear to ear. Thank you for reading my blog! I had little hope that anyone besides my parents, friends, and those I could bribe would actually read it. (“I will give you a set of Ginsu knives if you read it! Please!”) I am humbled by your interest, and extremely grateful.

Also, recently, I was nominated for two awards. First, the
Wonderful Team Member Award.


(Thank you, Briana Vedsted and Melissa Janda!)

Second, the Versatile Blogger Award.


(Thank you, ReGi McClain!)

The rules for Wonderful Team Member:
1. The Nominee of the Wonderful Team member Readership Award shall display the logo on his/her blog.
2. The Nominee shall nominate 14 readers they appreciate over a period of 7 days, all at once or little by little.
3. The Nominee shall name his/her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post or on posts during 7 days.
Over a period of 7 days (1 week), the Nominee shall nominate a number of readers that he or she appreciates—this can be done at any rate during the week. It can be all on one day or a few on one day and a few on another day, as most convenient to the Nominee.
The Nominee shall name his or her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post or on posts during the 7 day (1 week) period.

For Versatile Blogger:
Thank and link to the person who gave you the award.
Tell seven facts about yourself.
Pass it on to seven other bloggers.
Link to specific posts on their blogs so they’ll be notified by pingback

I’m going to make 15 facts do for all. If that’s not allowable, these awards will remain nominations then. There simply aren’t 21 or 22 interesting facts about myself.
1. When I was 13, my best friend Christine and I decided to become romance writers and make millions. We read Harlequin Romances by the boxload until we had the formula down, and also made time for bodice rippers with titles like Sweet Savage Love. But our stories turned out to be parodies. Thus, the world is spared from our purple prose.
2. I was nearly kicked out of Northwestern University, thanks to my . . . ahem . . . enthusiastic partying freshman year. (If a niece or nephew or my parents are reading this, by partying, I mean “studying in the library.”) I begged the dean to allow me the pleasure of remaining. I was slapped on probation instead, and had to take extra classes.
3. My favorite season is fall. Love the changing colors of the leaves.
4. I have a collection of stuffed sheep. *shrugs* I continually receive them as gifts, perhaps because assorted friends see the sheep and think, She must like these. I’ll give her one.
5. When I was a kid, I wrote a letter to Dr. Seuss and received an answer. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you where that letter is today!
6. I’m thinking about ice cream right now.
7. I have seen Fellowship of the Ring over 20 times.
8. The book that brought me to VCFA is Martine Leavitt’s Keturah and Lord Death. I love that book! And I had Martine as a workshop leader! Woot!
9. I used to drive an old yellow station wagon. Many people flagged me down, thinking that my car was a taxi. I wish I’d stopped and picked them up. Could’ve made some extra cash.
10. To this hour, I still want a Honda Civic Hatchback.
11. I’ve had requests for my coq au vin. Seriously. It is decent, people.
12. I used to love to skip down the street. I miss being able to do that. A grown woman skipping just nets too many strange looks.
13. I’ve ridden a horse twice. Believe me, you can tell when a horse has contempt for you.
14. I watched The Birds ages ago. Yet a flock of pigeons still freaks me out.
15. I once sat through eight solid hours of ape films (Planet of the Apes and that ilk).

The following are my nominees for the Wonderful Team Member and Versatile Blogger Awards. (Sorry. I CANNOT give one award without giving the other. So, yes, I am giving the same award to the people who nominated me.)
ReGi McClain
Melanie Fishbane
Ionia Martin
Linda Taylor
Phillip McCollum
Lyn Miller-Lachmann
Kate of Disregard the Prologue
Kristen Mazzola
L. A. Byrne
Naomi of Bmore Energy
William Louison
White Raven
Dreamland’s Insurgents
Laura Sibson
Shawna Kastin
Sharon Van Zandt
Ingrid Sundberg
Laurie Morrison
Andy of City Jackdaw
Charlotte Carrendar
Briana Vedsted
Melissa Janda
Amber Skye Forbes
Charles of Legends of Windemere
Shane of Book Reviews and Poetry
Patty of Petite Magique
Jen Bailey
Emily of A Keyboard and an Open Mind
K. L. Schwengel
T. K. Morin
Temitoria of Temitoria’s Wit
Shannon A. Thompson

This list does not contain all of the bloggers I would like to nominate. Some of the others wish to remain award free. I respect that. None of my nominees is obligated to accept, especially those who have received both of these awards already. (And quite frankly, some of you might curse me for nominating you yet again—a risk I’m willing to take. :-)) Thank you all for being you.

41 thoughts on “One Post to Thank Them All

  1. Congratz! You have such a great blog that deserves to be read and you are a lovely person as well. So these awards are well deserved! 🙂
    Thank you so much for nominating me! I feel truly honored and will do a post soon!
    Hugz to you!

    • Thank you, Laura!!!! I feel weird and blessed at the same time. And you are welcome! 🙂 Thanks for your great blog!!! You always make me think deeply about craft.

    • Thanks for joining, Kevin! 🙂 I’ll have to make name badges for everyone. Please accept a tepid glass of lemonade and a slightly stale Chips Ahoy cookie until the meeting is called to order.

  2. Pingback: Weekly Goals & Achievements: Fallin’ Short | Random Acts of Writing

  3. Please accept my congratulations and my gratitude in the same gift wrapped bundle.
    Thank you, you have been with me from my very first toe-dip in this blogging ocean.

    • I think we both dipped our toes in the blogging water at the same time, Andy. I’m glad we both did! And thank you! 🙂

  4. Thank you!
    To get past the grown-woman-skipping thing, just borrow someone’s kid and drag them along. Even if he won’t skip with you, people will assume you’re a fun, energetic woman who loves life trying to convince a lazy kid to move his behind for a change. The other option is to pretend you believe there’s an entire cast dancing and singing your theme song as the adoring world watches you throw convention to the wind and embrace your inner child. The worst that could happen is being labeled as “harmless.”

    • Ah, ReGi, I knew you’d have the answer. I’ll pretend I’m in the movie Enchanted. Then everyone will assume that a dance number is in motion and will join in—especially kids. Because that’s how real life is! Perfect! My skipping days are back!

  5. Congratulations, and thank you for the nomination! I’m glad to have discovered your blog and for your participation on mine!

    • Hey, Jen!!! I enjoyed that topic! You helped me think deeply about whether or not my characters really are solving their own problems or deferring to others. That Kevin Henkes! I need to read more of his books. Thanks for stopping by!

    • You do? Good. I’m not alone in this. I have my sheep huddled together in one corner of a bookshelf, ’cause that’s what sheep do. The tiger on another bookshelf terrorizes them. Yep. That’s the kind of mind I have.

    • Thanks, Daniel! I love the hatchback because they’re so small and manueverable. I like to parallel park in odd places! One of these days, that car will be mine!

  6. Pingback: Light and Wonder and Cinderella | regimcclain

  7. Pingback: Light and Wonder and the Fisherman and the Mermaid | regimcclain

  8. Pingback: Light and Wonder and Ridinghoods Anonymous | regimcclain

  9. Pingback: Light and Wonder and Rumplestiltskin | regimcclain

  10. Pingback: A Long Overdue Thank You on Award Nominations | Melissa Janda – the Buzz on Writing

  11. Pingback: Light and Wonder and Sleeping Beauty | regimcclain

  12. Pingback: WIPpets, Light and Wonder, and Thirteen Helmets | regimcclain

  13. I love that you were “studying in the library,” often think about ice cream and love autumn, too. Congrats and thanks for the nominations!

  14. Pingback: Light and Wonder and Rapunzel | regimcclain

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